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Operation: Endeavor (When The Mission Ends) Page 7
Operation: Endeavor (When The Mission Ends) Read online
Page 7
“Only if you can remember you said that when the drugs wear off.” He brushed a soft kiss across her cheek as she shut her eyes. She’d fallen asleep. He settled back into the chair beside her bed, but didn’t let go of her hand. He just sat there and watched her and thought about what happened. He still hadn’t heard the full story and didn’t even know the full extent of her injuries. But right now, he was fine just knowing she would recover.
Chris looked in to check on them, but settled with his e-reader out in the waiting area while they waited for the doctor. They sat there like that for another thirty minutes before the doctor came in. Penelope stayed asleep, as Colton received her home care instructions and heard the extent of her injuries.
Her left side took the brunt of her fall. She had a sprained wrist and also extensive bruising up and down that side which included three badly bruised ribs. The ribs and her wrist needed to stay wrapped for the next week just to help give support to them. She had fourteen stitches high on her forehead where they thought she’d hit one of the spindles of the banister somewhere in the fall. The doctor said she didn’t have a concussion showing on the scans, but instructed Colton to keep an eye out for the symptoms just in case. Overall she was extremely beat up, but incredibly lucky because it could have been so much worse.
They were free to go. He had all her paperwork, she just had to sign it, but first he had to get her awake. He gently nudged her shoulder, “Hey sleeping beauty, it’s time to take you home.”
“Colton?” She looked up at him in confusion, her eyes dulled by the drugs.
“Yeah, it’s me. Are you ready to go home?”
She nodded at him before swinging her head around. “Is Brian still around?”
“Detective Barnes? Did you remember something else from the attack?”
“No, I just wanted to borrow his handcuffs. You did promise to be my love slave.” She leered at him.
He grinned at her. All her words slurred together and he knew she would be mortified if she actually did remember this later. Personally, he hoped she did remember and would still want to pursue the idea.
The nurse who brought the wheelchair into the cubicle smirked at him and he felt a blush rise up his face. She’d obviously overheard Penelope’s statement.
He chuckled. “Sweetheart, right now let’s just get you home. We’ll figure the rest of it out later.”
While the nurse worked to get Penelope into the wheelchair, Colton rushed out to tell Chris what was happening. Then he went to pull the truck around to the door.
As he drove up, Colton frowned at Penelope. She sat in the wheelchair with her chin planted in her right hand. Her eyes were closed and she was extremely pale. Just that small amount of movement looked like it had sent her pain level back up if the grimace on her face was any indication.
He jumped out and went to help her climb into the high cab. As she stood up, he saw a flash of pain cross her face. He leaned in close to her ear. “Pen, I’m going to pick you up slow and easy so maybe this won’t hurt as much, okay?” She gave a quick nod. “Grab me around my neck so that I’m holding you on your right side.”
He reached under her legs and eased her into the cab of the truck until she was in the middle of the bench seat. He held her there for a moment inhaling the honeysuckle scent from her hair. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, thanks,” she murmured.
Chris slid in beside her while Colton went back around to the driver’s side.
“Thanks guys for hanging around and waiting for me.” Penelope spoke and held her body very stiffly like she was afraid to move a muscle for the pain it might cause.
Chris turned to her and surveyed the bruises spanning her left side. “Why don’t you lean over here and see if you can’t use me as a cushion and relax a little bit? “She looked at him warily for a moment before he said, “I promise I won’t bite.”
“Okay, it’s worth a try.”
“Darling, you’re hurting my feelings. Usually the girls are begging to cuddle with me.” Colton was surprised by the flirty tone in Chris’s voice. Chris had always been a flirt, but he hadn’t heard anything even close to teasing come out of Chris since they’d gotten him back. Maybe all they needed was to find a way to get the focus off himself and onto someone else. Although he’d be happier if that someone else wasn’t Penelope.
Both men watched her silently while she worked to get comfortable. Finally she seemed a little bit more at ease, so Colton put the truck into gear.
They weren’t five minutes down the road, before it was obvious that Penelope had drifted back to sleep. Her head quickly sunk onto Chris’s lap. Colton looked over at him. “Do you mind if we stop at the pharmacy before I take you home so I can pick up her pain medicine? I don’t want to have to leave her home alone later.”
Chris looked down at Penelope’s hair spread over his lap and grinned cockily at Colton. “It’s been a long time since I had a beautiful lady in my lap. You can take as much time as you want.”
Colton literally growled at Chris. It was as much of a surprise to him as it was to Chris that he was feeling this proprietary of her.
It wasn’t long before Chris looked at him knowingly. “So that’s the way it is with you two, huh?” He took another look at Penelope in front of him. “I never would have put the two of you together.”
Colton spoke through gritted teeth. “We’re not together, but you need to keep your hands to yourself. She’s hurt. I’m simply her roommate and taking care of her.”
“Uh huh,” Chris said in a tone which said he wasn’t buying this story one little bit. He cleared his throat as he looked over her multiple bruises. “Did you ever get the full story about what happened?”
Colton glanced down at her again and clenched his jaw. “No, but you can fucking bet I’m going to find out who did this to her and they will never be able to touch her again. No one is allowed to hurt her like this.”
Chris’s eyes widened at the menace in Colton’s voice.
They pulled into the parking spot. “I’ll be right back.”
“We’re not going anywhere.” Chris just grinned at him like the cat that swallowed the canary.
Colton ground his teeth, but shut the truck door gently behind him. He needed to get this done so he could get Penelope home and in her comfortable bed. He didn’t like her sprawled all over Chris. Wasn’t that an eye-opener? But he didn’t have time to dwell on it right now.
Penelope still hadn’t stirred when Colton drove up to the front of Cassie’s house. She was still sprawled all over Chris’s lap. Chris gently nudged her to get her moving. Penelope didn’t truly wake up, just looked at him with disoriented eyes. He unclipped her seat belt and turned her so she was facing the back of the seat and could resume the same position on Colton’s lap without hurting her injured side.
She settled right back into Colton’s lap and slipped back into sleep again.
Colton looked up at him as Chris said, “You can thank me later. Just don’t get in a wreck going back to your place since she’s not seat-belted any longer.”
Colton gave a short nod. “Thanks. I’ll call tonight. I know Cassie will be worried about her so I’ll call her once I get the full story from Penelope.”
Penelope never stirred after they dropped Chris off. Colton debated driving around simply to let her sleep, but knew she’d be more comfortable at home in her own bed. Nevertheless, when they pulled into the parking spot, he sat there for a while watching her sleep. Her soft skin was so pale against the bruises on her forehead. Reality pounded at him. She could have died today. He gently settled his hand into the silky strands of her hair and took a deep breath. She was okay.
He spoke softly. “Penelope, we’re home.” He brushed the hair gently off the side of her face.
She opened her eyes slowly and looked up at him from his lap. Her green eyes were a bit clearer than they’d been when they left the hospital, but her freckles stood in stark contrast to her pale skin. She st
arted to sit up, so Colton reached down to help her.
“Thanks.” Her voice was husky with sleep.
“Hang on. Let me get around to the passenger door and I’ll help you get out, okay?”
When he got around to the other side, he crawled into the truck with her and set up to lift her back into his arms.
She pressed her hand to his chest. “I’m sorry I’ve been so much trouble today. I think I can walk now.”
He cupped her chin so she would meet his eyes. “Pen, you aren’t any trouble at all. I’m just glad I’m here so I can help. Let me get you out of the truck and then we’ll see how you feel about walking.” He gently picked her up and felt her sharp intake of breath when he grazed her bruised left side. He lowered his head to her hair and inhaled her honeysuckle scent as he cradled her against him. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just going to be sore for a few days, but I won’t break. Why don’t we try that standing and walking thing now?”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind carrying you.”
“I’m sure. As much as I like this whole sweeping me off my feet thing, I think I can handle it on my own this time.”
“Okay.” Colton gently lowered her down, but kept a hand around her in case she needed the extra support.
It was slow moving, but they made it to the apartment and Penelope did it with just a bare amount of support from Colton.
As they shuffled into the living room, he looked at her to gauge how she was doing. Surprisingly, she didn’t seem as pale as she was before. “Do you want to go lay down in your bedroom or would you prefer the couch?”
“I think the couch would be good for now.”
“Okay.” He helped lower her until she sat on the couch. “Wait right here. I’ll be right back.”
He took off down the hall to her room where he grabbed her big fluffy bed pillow, the book off her nightstand, and throw blanket to help her get comfortable on the couch.
As he tucked her into the couch, she looked up at him and smiled. “You’re just a great big old marshmallow under that sexy, stern male exterior aren’t you?”
“Now don’t you start spreading nasty rumors. I have a reputation to uphold.” He looked at her with a bemused smile.
She grinned at him. “My lips are sealed, but seriously, thank you, Colt.”
“If you want to thank me you can follow Colton’s Life Rule #2.”
“Uh oh, we have another Life Rule?”
“Yes, and this one is extremely important. In fact, I think that we may need to put it in the #1 slot.”
“Ooh, this sounds serious. Lay it on me big guy.”
His voice got very quiet and husky. “Penelope isn’t allowed to get hurt bad enough to need the ER anymore.” He brushed his hand gently over the bandage covered her forehead. “What happened this morning, Pen?”
She sucked in a harsh breath. Then she proceeded to tell him what she knew about the break-in at the store and her subsequent fall down the stairs. “It just doesn’t make any sense. Why would someone break in during daylight hours? Nothing was out of place that I could see, so he must have just gotten inside when I came in. Detective Barnes said there wasn’t any sign of forced entry and the alarm was disabled.”
“Did you see the man leave after you fell down the stairs?” He didn’t realize it until he caught her looking, but he’d been gripping the edge of the couch so tightly that he’d wrinkled the cotton canvas. He relaxed his grip and tried to calm down.
“No, I must have passed out because the next thing I remember is the paramedics coming in.”
“Who called the ambulance? Was it one of your employees? Did they see anything?”
“I… I don’t know,” she whispered quietly as she looked at him in surprise and alarm. “As far as I know, no one else had come in yet. No one was there besides me and whoever pushed me. Maybe a customer came into the store early and found me?”
He was skeptical. “Maybe, but it’s definitely something you should talk about with Detective Barnes. For now, just try to relax. You’re starting to get pale again. Are you hungry?”
“No. I think I’ll just take a little nap. Is it okay if I stay out here, or would you rather me go to my room?”
“Stay here. That way I can keep an eye on you. Do you want some pain medicine before you go to sleep?”
She started to shake her head negative, but Colton interrupted. “From my estimate, you’re probably only about fifteen minutes away from the time when you should take it and I’m hoping you’ll be asleep then. Why don’t you take it now so that you aren’t hurting so bad when you wake up? It will help you rest better, too.”
“Yes, Mother.”
Colton stood up to his full height. “The last time I checked, I don’t think anyone would confuse me with your mother.” He gave her a playful grin and a wink.
As he walked into the kitchen, he heard her soft murmur, “No, there’s nothing remotely feminine about you.”
He turned, caught her eyeing his ass, and gave her a playful grin and wink.
* * *
Penelope awoke to the sounds of Cassie and Colton talking quietly in the kitchen. They didn’t realize she was awake and since they were obviously talking about her, she didn’t feel too bad about eavesdropping.
“What did the doctor say?” Cassie’s soft voice was full of tension.
“He said she’d be sore for a while, but that she’s fine. She was lucky. She fell down the full length of that staircase. She could have easily broken her neck.” Colton’s voice had gotten gruff with concern.
“Do the police have any leads?”
“Not that I know of, but we haven’t heard from Detective Barnes. I want Pen to call him when she wakes up.”
“Brian’s handling the investigation?”
“Yeah, I saw him briefly in the ER when he came out of her room.”
“Good. He knows what he’s doing. He’ll catch this guy.”
“I sure hope so. She was lucky this time. Next time… Well, there’s just not going to be a next time is there? If I have to go with her everywhere, she’ll be safe.”
Cassie laughed. “You and what army? You haven’t run this plan by her yet, have you?”
“No, but she’ll see the wisdom in keeping me close by.” Penelope could hear the frown in Colton’s voice.
“Oh, dear brother, you have a lot to learn about women. Didn’t Dianna teach you anything? Penelope has her own mind. She’s not going to let you or anyone else slow her down, but it should be fun watching you try,” Cassie said with glee. There was nothing she liked better than tormenting her brothers.
Colton growled. “I need to go get us some dinner. Can you stay here with her while I get some food?”
“No problem.”
“Thanks. Her pain medicine is by the sink if she needs some more. Tell her I’ll be right back if she wakes up.”
“It’s okay, Colt. We’ll be fine until you get back, I promise.”
Penelope heard the door click as Colton quietly shut it. Then Cassie said, “You can open your eyes now. He’s gone.”
Penelope’s eyes flashed open in surprise and she turned to her friend. “How’d you know I was awake?”
“Seriously? We’ve been best friends for years. I always know when you’re awake. You’re breathing changes. How are you feeling?” She walked over watching Penelope closely.
Penelope sat up cautiously and took stock of her aches and pains. “Better, all things considered.”
“Do you need any pain medicine right now?”
“No, I’m fine. Colton made me take some right before I fell asleep. He’s been really wonderful today.”
“I’m not surprised. Colton’s always been a caretaker. There’s nothing he likes better than taking charge so he can boss everyone around.”
Penelope was surprised at the harshness she heard in Cassie’s voice. “That’s not fair. He really stepped up and took care of
me today, which is way above and beyond for a roommate.”
“I’m sorry. You’re right. This is where we get into the idiosyncrasies of sibling relationships. Colton can’t help who he is and right now he’s being really pushy with Chris. I’m a little sensitive about his bossiness.”
Penelope regarded Cassie thoughtfully. “The other day when I came home, he was unpacking. He was looking at photos of you all before your parents died. He wasn’t that old when they died.”
“No he wasn’t. None of us were.”
Penelope spoke softly. “You were all so young to have to deal with that. Did you immediately come to live with your grandparents?”
“It was just our grandfather. A single old man we didn’t even know. He did his best, but Colton basically raised us. It was really hard for him. He was devastated by both their deaths, but especially mom’s. He was so close to her. After she died, he always wore her wedding ring on a chain around his neck. He said it made him feel closer to her. He felt that by having that piece of her with him, he could help guide us in what she would want us to do.”
“He took over the role of your parents. I would imagine having done that from such an early age, it’s hard to just let go of that role.” She tried to imagine a young, ten year old Colton taking charge and protecting his scared siblings and her heart melted. That kind of thing said so much about the man he’d become, especially when she knew what an amazing man he truly was.
Cassie rolled her eyes. “Yes, you’re right. I know you’re right, but that doesn’t make it any easier when he gets bossy.”
“Well, from what I’ve seen, Colton only gets that way because he cares.”
Cassie got a mischievous look in her eye as she said, “Just remember you said that in a couple of days. From what I’ve seen here today, you have a new caretaker. He’s big, protective, and doesn’t understand when someone tells him no. Colton’s not an easy person to move when he’s decided to place you under his wings.”
“Don’t worry. I think we’ll be fine.”
Cassie just smirked at her knowingly.
* * *
The next morning, Penelope glared at Colton.