Operation: Endgame Read online

Page 5

  As Jake watched her lecture, he realized there were details he’d missed during his initial physical perusal of her. She’d lost weight since May. Not too surprising with the stress Chris’ death would have caused her, but she didn’t have any extra to lose in the first place. Also, behind the rims of her glasses, he could see dark circles under her eyes. She obviously tried to cover them up with make-up, but there was no disguising the fact she wasn’t sleeping as much as she needed.

  He continued to watch her, simply enjoying the view of her while she was in her element. Regardless of what brought him home, he savored this moment. There were times over the past few months when he’d wondered if he’d ever see her again. Surprisingly, with everything else on his mind, he found himself interested in the lecture too. She was passionate about military strategy and it showed when she talked about it.

  Suddenly, there was a huge bang over on the right side of the room as someone dropped a book. Cassie screamed and swung around, obviously startled and frightened. Quickly, realizing what the sound was, Cassie covered with a joke about her students shooting at her, but Jake wasn’t fooled. She was deathly pale and her composure was visibly shaken. While her voice remained strong and sure, her hands were shaking and her eyes were wary and shifting as she watched the room.

  There was definitely something going on and whatever it was, it wasn’t good. Jake needed to do some investigating before he let Cassie know of his presence. He had a feeling, as stubborn as Cassie was, she was going to start stonewalling him. He needed to find out what was happening before she had a chance to do that.

  Chapter 12

  Jake pulled himself into his truck, shoving the crutches into the passenger seat. He had a feeling he knew someone who might give him more information than Derek had been willing to impart. At least that would be the case, if she knew what was happening. He knew Cassie and she didn’t allow other people to help her very often, but if Derek knew what was going on, then Penelope might too.

  All of them, the girls and the guys in Cassie’s life, had spent their college years hanging out together as a huge group. They were all friends, so he didn’t think twice about heading to Penelope’s store. Cassie hadn’t trusted Colton or him with this information, but maybe she’d trusted the girls. He pointed his truck down University and turned onto 19th Street.

  There was a whole row of glorious mansions which flanked the edge of the campus on the South side. A few of them were still residences, but most had been converted to hold commercial businesses. Penelope owned a bookstore which she ran out of one of the old Colonial-style mansions, called Raider Readers.

  As he opened the door, the bell tinkled above it. The front room looked empty, but he heard Penelope call out from deeper in the house, “Come on in! I’ll be out in a moment.”

  Jake chuckled as he glanced around. The house was gorgeous. When Penelope started the bookstore, she didn’t change the layout of the house at all. The rooms were all still in their original configuration. They were now simply overflowing with books and bookshelves. Each room held a different genre of books. It was a bibliophile’s dream.

  Jake browsed through the shelf showcasing the fiction new releases while he waited on Penelope. He didn’t realize the new James Patterson novel was already out. He was thumbing through it when Penelope walked into the room.

  “Jake?” Penelope rushed up to him and enveloped him in a huge hug, but then frowned down at his crutches and cast. “What did you do? Does Cassie know you’re here?”

  “Hi, Penelope.” He grinned at her and looked down at his cast. “It was simply a bad jump. No big deal. The cast should come off next week, and no, Cassie doesn’t know I’m here yet.”

  She looked at him quizzically. “I didn’t think so since I just talked to her a couple of hours ago and she didn’t say anything about you. Don’t get me wrong, I love it when a good-looking guy comes to visit me, but…” She gave him a flirty smile, but she had a definite confused look about her. “Why are you in town and more specifically why are you here before you’ve even said hello to Cassie? Are you book shopping or do you have something on your mind?”

  Jake lifted the Patterson book. “A little bit of both. I want to buy this, but really I need to talk to you.”

  Penelope took the book from him, set it on the counter, and motioned towards the back of the house. “Let’s go have a seat in the reading nook and we can chat.” The reading nook was a part of the house that at one time was probably the parlor. There was a fire roaring in the fireplace and several leather club chairs scattered throughout the room. One corner featured a tall, narrow Christmas tree twinkling with little white lights. Jake could hear the music from the Nutcracker playing through the sound system. The walls were covered with dark oak paneling and the entire room evoked a relaxing, cozy aura.

  As he sat, Penelope asked, “Can I get you something to drink? We have cider, herbal teas, and coffee.” She gestured over to some carafes in the corner.

  Jake shook his head, “No, I’m fine. It’s really nice in here, Penelope.”

  She smiled at him. “Thanks. There’s something about being in this room at Christmastime. It’s soothing to the nerves after all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. I could sit in here for hours just reading and drinking tea.” She gave a sorrow filled sigh. “But then the store would go bankrupt and I’d lose my little oasis.” She gave a little giggle before she turned back to him. “Sorry, I’m rambling. I don’t think you’re here to talk about the financial situation of the bookstore. Why are you really here?”

  “Colton called and asked me to come and check on Cassie. He’s been getting a bad vibe from her and couldn’t get back to the states so he asked me to check things out. I slipped into her classroom a little bit ago and she doesn’t look well. She’s obviously not sleeping and way too jumpy. What’s going on?”

  Penelope cocked an eyebrow at him. “Don’t you think this is something you should be asking Cassie?” She looked at him for a long minute, but she obviously wasn’t through talking. “Jake, what happened back in May between you two? She never said a word, but after you left she was devastated, and it was more than just Chris’ death. What happened? Why can’t you talk to her about this first?”

  Jake ran a hand through his hair and felt a sinking in his gut. “Are you saying that’s why she’s so jumpy and looks like she hasn’t had a decent night’s sleep in ages? Because of what happened in May?”

  “No, no. That’s not what I’m saying at all. They’re actually two very different issues. I’m worried about her. I’m just not sure I trust you to be the one to help her take care of this. From what I can tell, you hurt her in May. Before then, I would’ve sworn you’d never hurt her. I don’t think she can take much more. I can’t trust you with what is going on until you give me something to prove you won’t leave her in an even bigger mess when you disappear next time. Cassie didn’t call you to ask for help, so why should I give you the information?”

  “Damn, Penelope.” He’d never taken her for the perceptive type. Out of the three girls, Penelope was the party-girl. The fun one. She never took anything seriously. For her to be treating him like this, things were not good. “I never, ever wanted to hurt her.” He rubbed a hand through his hair. “I’ve loved Cassie my entire life. She’s been one of my best friends since I was ten years old and what happened in May was a stupid, god-awful mistake I’ve regretted every single minute since. I miss her so damn much. I promise you, I’ll do everything to protect her, both emotionally and physically, but I have to know what is going on with her to be able to do that. You know Cassie. Right now, she isn’t happy with me, so she’s not going to let me in to help her with whatever is going on. Please Penelope.”

  Penelope looked at him, as if trying to gauge his sincerity. “Okay, okay. I’ll tell you, but you cannot let her know I was the one to tell you. She’d kill me for betraying her confidence. And I promise you, if you do anything to hurt her while you’re here, I will ma
ke you regret it. The only reason I’m telling you anything is because I agree, she needs you and she’s entirely too stubborn to ask on her own.”

  She took a deep breath before she uttered four words which shocked Jake to his core. “She has a stalker.”

  Jake’s eyes widened, “What? For how long? What’s happening? She hasn’t been hurt has she?”

  Penelope shook her head. “I don’t know how long it has been going on. You know Cassie. She thinks she can take care of herself, so I have a feeling it’s been going on for much longer than she’s let on. The issue is, she was grieving with Chris’ death, the European trip, whatever was happening with you, so Julie and I didn’t necessarily see the warning signs of what was happening. We just thought she was really stressed. I have a feeling this is something she’s been dealing with at least since the summer, but she says it’s only been the last couple of months. Anyway, in October, Julie ran into her coming out of a therapist’s office at the Health Sciences Center, and we cornered her after that.”

  “Cassie’s seeing a therapist?” Jake looked shocked. She was one of the most independent people he knew and she never asked for help. Ever. To find out she’d been seeing a therapist. God, he’d been an awful friend that he didn’t realize things had gotten this bad for her. The guilt assailed him.

  “Yes, after Chris’ death, she kept having nightmares about him being tortured.”

  Jake thought back to their last night together and her nightmare. Damn, he should have been here for her instead of thinking with his dick and then running away in guilt.

  “It got to the point where she wasn’t sleeping. I know for a while she took sleeping pills, but they just made it where she couldn’t bring herself out of the dreams when they got really bad. Cassie’s smart and she knows a body can’t go long without sleep before there are repercussions. When the stalking started, she thought it was simply her paranoia being manifested because she wasn’t sleeping. That’s when she started going to the therapist, but it turns out, she wasn’t just paranoid. She has a bonafide stalker and he’s starting to really scare her.”

  “She hasn’t been hurt has she?” Jake felt the panic shred through his body. Penelope had never answered when he asked that question the first time.

  “Not yet, but he’s escalating, so we’re afraid it’s only a matter of time. As it is right now, those of us who know about it, try to make sure she’s never alone if we can help it, but you know how Cassie is. She doesn’t want our help.”

  “So who all knows?”

  Penelope held up her hand and started counting off her fingers as she named the names. “Julie, Derek…her TA, War, and me.”

  “War? Who the hell is that?” Jake had a scowl on his face. “What kind of name is that?”

  Penelope chuckled. “Warren. He’s the department head of the history department with Cassie. They dated for a while last year, but I think they’re just friends now.”

  Jake felt a twist of jealousy deep in his gut, but tried to ignore it. “Derek and War,” he sneered at the ridiculous name, “are they trustworthy? I met Derek earlier and he was pretty hostile.”

  Penelope nodded. “They’re good guys. I think they’re both halfway in love with her, but they want her to stay safe, just like the rest of us. I have to admit, Jake, I’m glad you’re here.”

  Jake nodded. “What do the police say?”

  “This guy, whoever he is, is good. He covers his tracks really well and seems to have eyes everywhere. He keeps slipping by us and getting to her. I’m worried one of these days, it’s not going to just be a note or a gift. The police don’t even have any suspects and as long as there are no actual threats, they can’t do a whole lot about it.”


  “Exactly. So what are your plans? When are you letting Cassie know you’re here?”

  Jake gave a self-deprecating chuckle. “I’m not sure. I don’t think she’s going to be thrilled to see me. Also, I have a friend down at the police department I know from high school who I’d like to check with first. Do you have any suggestions of how I let her know I’m here?”

  “Actually, yes, I do. Right now, Cassie is wound really tight. Tonight is the Carol of Lights on campus and the three of us are going together. With this being her favorite night of the year, she should be in a more receptive mood if you meet us there.”

  “That might actually work, but how will I find you? You know how crowded and crazy it is out there on this night.”

  “We’ll be in front of the math building. Thanks Jake. I really am glad you’re here and regardless of Cassie’s reaction when she sees you tonight, I know she misses you. Once she gets over the shock of seeing you, she’s going to be happy you’re here too.”

  “I hope so, Penelope. I really hope so.”

  Chapter 13

  Cassie opened her front door to Penelope and Julie. “Merry Christmas girls!!! Are we ready to get the holiday season started off right? I just finished making our special cocoa and was about to add in the alcohol. I’ll pour it into the thermos and we’ll be ready to go. Come on in.” She opened the door wide to usher in the girls as she headed back into the kitchen.

  Both Julie and Penelope were bundled up ready for the wintery night outdoors. The Carol of Lights on campus was an annual holiday tradition for the community. The entire main campus was lined with Christmas lights and this was the night where they threw the switch to turn all those lights on for the season. The sidewalks were lined with luminaries and the choir and band came out to lead the Christmas carols. It was simply the perfect kick off for the holiday season and most of the campus and town showed up to join in.

  As Julie entered the house, she looked around puzzled. “Cassie, where’s your tree? I can’t believe you don’t have it up yet. Usually you have it up before Thanksgiving.” Julie exchanged a concerned look with Penelope as they followed Cassie into the kitchen.

  Cassie shrugged. “You know, it’s been such a crazy year and it’s just going to be me here this year. I haven’t been able to get excited about decorating. I may not put one up this year. I don’t know. We’ll see.”

  Penelope and Julie exchanged a look of concern.

  Julie looked at Cassie. “What about Jake? Have you heard from him lately? Don’t you think he’ll be coming home?”

  Cassie got a hauntingly sad look in her eyes. “I don’t know. I haven’t talked to him in a while. I’m not even sure if he’d call me if he came into town anymore. Things have been different between us since Chris died and I’m not sure our friendship is ever going to recover.” Tears welled in her eyes. The strain of everything that happened within the last six months was too much.

  Penelope came around the counter and enveloped her in a big hug. “Things are going to work out, hon. Have faith in that. You two have been friends way too long for that to change.”

  “I hope you’re right, but I’m not going to worry about any of that tonight. Tonight is for us girls.” She gestured down at the large pot full of simmering chocolate. “The cocoa’s warm, so what should we add to it? Kahlua? Jim Beam? Vodka? Peppermint Schnapps? What’s your pleasure girls?” She grinned at the two of them mischievously.

  Penelope peered into the steaming pot. “Ooh, peppermint schnapps in cocoa? That sounds yummy. A liquid, adult form of Girl Scout Thin Mints. I like that idea.”

  Cassie looked questioningly at Julie to see if she concurred. She nodded her head. “It sounds good to me.”

  “Okay, Peppermint Schnapps it is for tonight.” Cassie then proceeded to add half a bottle to the pot.

  Penelope laughed. “It’s a good thing you live close enough to the campus for us to walk. Wow, Cassie, those are going to be potent.”

  Cassie laughed. “That’s the idea. I’m ready to live it up a little. If we drink too much, you both can spend the night here. We can have a slumber party…just us girls. Before I pour it into the thermos, everyone grab mug so we can stay toasty on our walk over to campus.”

Five minutes later, everyone was all bundled up again to head out the door. They started down the street arm in arm, singing Jingle Bells at the top of their lungs as they went.

  Chapter 14

  Jake tried to maneuver through the crowds on campus with his crutches. He’d overestimated his ability to move through the crowd while on crutches. He was trying to work his way over to the math building, but it was slow going. He might find the girls before the festivities were over, but it was looking less and less likely with every hard-earned step. Damn, he wanted to be rid of these things.

  By the time Jake located the girls, the giggle factor was at an all-time high. He sat back and simply watched them for a few minutes before he approached them. What in the world did they have in their mugs? It was good to see Cassie laughing and having a good time though. He really didn’t want to spoil that by interrupting.

  That thought didn’t last long though before Penelope spotted him standing a few feet away from them. She nudged Cassie in the shoulder, whispered in her ear, and pointed in his direction. When Cassie’s eyes met his, they flared with happiness momentarily before the expected wariness came to the forefront. He wasn’t surprised at the wariness, but the flash of happiness which had been there previously gave him hope things between them could return to normal.

  Jake started to move towards them, but as Cassie took in his crutches and cast, concern clouded her face. He saw her fear. Aw, damn, he hadn’t thought about what her reaction would be to him being hurt.


  Cassie was having fun. For the first time in a long time, she was letting go of all the stress of the last few months. The minty cocoa was doing its job too. She was celebrating the beginning of the Christmas season, her favorite time of the year. She was with her best girlfriends. The campus looked beautiful and festive. Life was good, so she chose to ignore all of her other stresses for tonight.