Operation: Endgame Read online

Page 11

  She awoke slightly and whispered a questioning, “Jake?”

  “Yes, it’s me darling. Go back to sleep. I’ll keep you safe.”

  She nestled into his chest and settled back into a sound sleep once again.

  Chapter 25

  When the alarm went off the next morning, Cassie found herself nestled into a very warm, very hard, very masculine chest. Cassie inhaled the smell that was wholly Jake as he rubbed up her back. She didn’t know how he’d ended up in her bed, but she was enjoying the fact he was there right now as she slowly took inventory of the aches and pains of her body. He soothed her simply by his presence.

  Jake, on the other hand, was wondering at the insanity that had led him to believe he would ever be able to sleep with Cassie’s lush body snuggled up to his all night long. The only thing that had kept his libido under control so he didn’t ravish her was the fact he knew she was physically hurting. That didn’t keep the lust from pounding through his body as he held her. He rubbed up and down the spine of her back savoring the fact she was in his arms and alive. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head and whispered, “Good morning. How are you feeling today?”

  Cassie rubbed her hand over his pectoral muscle feeling the nipple pebble under her ministrations, and tried to ignore the heat pooling in her lower body. “My head is definitely feeling better. As to the rest, I’m kind of afraid to move to find out.”

  Jake chuckled low and sexy. “We could invite your students to class in your bedroom, but I’m thinking the University may frown on that.”

  “I’m afraid you’re right, so I guess I need to move and see how bad it really is.”

  “Hang on. Let me sit up first so I can help you get up without straining your shoulder.”

  Once Cassie was up and out of bed and sipping a cup of coffee, the prospect of going to work was looking like a more viable possibility. Her body was definitely achy, but with the exception of her broken collar bone, everything seemed to be in working, albeit a bit slow, order.

  They just had one serious problem she didn’t think Jake had considered. But they were friends and it’s not like he hadn’t seen her naked before, so she looked at him and tried not to blush. “Um, Jake, I need to go take a shower, but I’m going to need your help.” She gestured towards her right shoulder which had been bound up in a sling since she got home. “Until my collar heals a little bit, I can’t get my shirt on and off. I also don’t think I’m going to be able to wash my hair by myself. Do you think you can help me?”

  Jake looked at Cassie trying to take in what she was saying, but all that seemed to sink into his psyche were thoughts of Cassie naked, wet, and in his arms. The lust that had been simmering since he crawled into bed with her the night before surged through his system and directly into his cock.

  Cassie was obviously concerned because he wasn’t answering. He just couldn’t get enough blood to his brain to get his mouth to work. “Jake, I’m sorry. I just don’t think I can do this by myself. Maybe I should call Julie or Penelope.”

  Jake finally found the ability to speak. “No, no, don’t be ridiculous. Of course, I can help you. Are you ready to go right now?”

  Cassie tried to ignore the butterflies that had started up in her stomach. This was just Jake. No reason for this reaction. He was simply helping her as a friend. “Yes,” she said and she hoped Jake hadn’t noticed the quiver in her voice.

  Jake and Chris had helped Cassie rebuild this bathroom, but he hadn’t remembered the huge claw-foot tub that was front and center in the bathroom when she made the request. As he looked at it now, he had an idea. “Hey Cass, how about a bath rather than a shower so I can stay dressed and dry through this process?”

  She quirked an eyebrow at him, “That doesn’t sound quite fair to me, but it’s probably a good idea. Let me just get it filled up.”

  He waved her aside. “Let me do it for you.”

  She handed him the bottle of bubble bath with the instructions, “Lots of this. I need the camouflage of the bubbles.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  She laughed, “Exactly.”

  Finally the bathtub was full and steaming with gorgeous fluffy bubbles and there was no avoiding the inevitable. Jake came around behind her and gently loosened the straps of the arm brace and slipped it over her head and off her arm. He unbuttoned the buttons on her shirt and slowly lowered the sleeves down her arms trying not to jostle her right arm. She wasn’t meeting his eyes as she started working her sweatpants down her legs using her good left arm. Jake tried to maintain detachment as he grasped her sweatpants from her and slid them down her long toned legs. He hissed an indrawn breath as he saw the dark blue, green, and purple bruises that lined the entire length of the right side of her body. She was standing there in the purple bra and panty set he’d pulled out of her drawer the night before to take to the hospital. They actually matched many of the bruises that were the same shades. But even with the bruises, she looked absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. The matching set looked so much better on her in real life than they had when he imagined them as he pulled them out of her drawer. He swallowed hard and took a bracing deep breath. He could do this.

  Cassie watched the myriad of emotions cross Jake’s face as he helped her out of her clothes. She stopped him now though with a hand cupping the side of his face. “Jake, relax. It’s just me, the girl you used to tie to the tree and abandon when we were little.”

  Jake gave a self-effacing chuckle. “Can we not talk about bondage when you’re standing there looking so gorgeous in just your underwear and about to get naked?”

  The comment was so out of left field and Jake had such a look of pain on his face that Cassie had to laugh. “Relax, Jake, we can do this. We’re adults.”

  “Again, not helping, because I don’t need to be thinking adult thoughts right now, trust me.”

  “Okay, well talking about it isn’t helping so let’s just get it over with, okay.”

  “Okay.” Jake moved around behind Cassie and unhooked her bra and slowly slid it off her shoulders studiously avoiding looking at her breasts. He then quickly slid her panties down her legs and helped settle her into the water where she gave an audible groan from the feeling of the warm water soaking into her sore muscles.

  “Cassie, you’re killing me.” Jake shut his eyes and groaned a bit himself.

  Cassie looked at him and considered, “Why don’t you go out while I get clean? We can wash my hair last after I wash everything else.”

  Jake nodded, visibly swallowing hard. “That sounds like a good idea. Just holler when you need me to come back.” He quickly slid out the door where he collapsed against the wall trying to regulate his breathing and erection. Even bruised and hurting, she was so incredibly sexy. She was killing him, because he had to be dying from the lack of blood in his brain. How long could a man function while maintaining an erection? The commercial said more than four hours was reason for concern. By his calculations, he had pretty much been rock hard now for twelve solid hours with no relief in sight. His own shower today was going to be a long, cold one. He ran a hand through his hair as he thought about heading back in there again, just as he heard Cassie call his name.

  He took in a fortifying breath, rearranged his cock which was going to be permanently etched with the zipper impression from his jeans, and turned the handle on the door.

  Cassie was flushed from the heat of her bath and even with the bruise discoloring her face, she had never looked more beautiful. He tried to ignore the swell of her breasts that were just visible above the bubbles as he settled in behind her at the head of the bathtub. He grasped her shoulders and gently sank her into the water and wet her hair. Then he set about soaping up her long red locks. As he caressed her scalp with soap, Cassie’s head dropped forward and she groaned in pleasure. “That feels so good. Just by rubbing there, all my other sore muscles are starting to relax.”

  Jake took another deep breath through his mouth and t
ried to maintain a shred of emotional distance when all he wanted to do was kiss the back of her neck where the bubbles were sliding off her head and down her delicate spine. Instead he simply said, “I’m glad it’s helping. Let’s rinse and get you out of here.” He made quick work of rinsing her hair and then gently helped to lift her out of the tub and wrapped her in one of her huge fluffy towels.

  He wouldn’t meet her eyes as he wrapped the towel around her. “Thanks Jake. I can take it from here, I think. I’ll call you if I need anything else.”

  Jake went back into the kitchen and drank another cup of coffee while Cassie finished getting ready. He was just starting to breathe normally again when he heard Cassie walk into the kitchen. She had on her robe with pants and was carrying a little wisp of red lace which sent Jake’s nerves to skittering again. “Um, Jake, I’m really sorry. I thought I might have a front close bra, but I can’t find any and there is no way I can get this done in the back. Could I have your help just one more time?” She looked truly contrite as she looked at him. “I’m really sorry, but I need your help.”

  Jake tried to laugh the awkwardness of it off as he said, “Honestly, my expertise runs more toward the removal of bras than putting them on, but I guess it works under the same basic principal, right?”

  Cassie laughed, “Pretty much.”

  Jake followed her into her bedroom. He was standing behind her when she started to drop the robe off her shoulders. He helped her ease it off the right side so she didn’t have to move her right arm. He was staring at the creamy expanse of her back and wanted to do nothing more than to trail a series of kisses across the back of it, gently easing the pain of each of those bruises as he went. He was so caught up in the thought that he started to lean forward.

  “Jake?” She looked over her shoulder at him and gasped at something she saw in his eyes.

  Jake swallowed hard and spoke so low she could barely hear him. “I’m sorry. You’re just so damn sexy, Cass.” He brushed a feather light kiss over her left shoulder, before he took the bra from her. He set to loosening the strap on the right side so it wouldn’t pull at her shoulder at all. Then he reached around the front, slowly easing it up her right arm as she manipulated her left arm into the other strap. He worked quickly and efficiently as he fastened the back, then turned her around and looked at her. “I need a shower. Can you get into your top by yourself?” At her nod, he quickly started down the hall.

  Jake quickly shrugged out of his clothes and stepped into the ice cold shower trying to cool off his overheated body. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead into the tile at the front of the shower and let the cold spray of the water roll down the back of his neck and down his back. He glanced down at his rock-hard throbbing erection that didn’t seem to be the least bit phased by the frigidly cold water.

  As he thought back to Cassie lowering her gorgeous body into the bath water, he finally gave into the demands his body was making and reached down and fisted his cock. He hissed at the feel of his hand. He had been sporting this erection for too long and was oversensitive because of it. He groaned low and deep as he rubbed his full long length, once, twice. Already he could feel the burning begin at the base of his spine and his balls drawing up into his body in preparation of an orgasm. His breathing was harsh as he rubbed roughly over the engorged tip. He imagined Cassie’s lips closing over him and taking him deep into her throat. He took one more long hard stroke and that’s all it took before he came with long spurts of cum arcing through the water still pouring over him. He rode out the waves of pleasure, gritting his teeth as the spasms continued. He stood there gasping for breath as he reached over and turned off the water. Maybe now he would have blood flowing to his big brain rather than his little one for the next few hours.


  The quiet was palpable as they rode in Jake’s truck towards the campus. Cassie’s body had been thrumming ever since that highly erotic bath and she was tired of avoiding the elephant in the room. She looked over at Jake and could almost see the waves of tension rolling off of him. They’d crossed a line in May and there was no going back from that. It was obvious neither one of them were going to forget what happened. They needed to deal with this attraction between them before it completely tore them apart. As good friends, they’d always had a flirtatious relationship, but now it had an underlying sexual tension that needed to be dealt with before it ruined their friendship completely.

  As Cassie directed Jake towards her faculty parking spot, she tried to figure out the best way to approach the subject without either one of them getting defensive. She already knew this day was going to shape up to be a long one so maybe it would be best if she put the discussion off for just a bit longer.

  As they came into Cassie’s office, Derek was already there. Her TA looked up from his desk which was covered with piles and piles of papers with a visible look of relief to see Cassie there. That relief seemed short-lived though, as he took in the sling holding her collar bone in place and the bruises she hadn’t managed to completely hide under her make-up. Concern etched Derek’s face as he came around his desk and pulled Cassie into a gentle hug.

  Derek pulled Cassie around and gently sat her down behind her desk. “How are you feeling? Are you sure you’re ready to be here?”

  Cassie smiled at him. “I’m fine, Derek… just a bit sore still, besides it’s finals week. I need to be here.”

  Derek’s look of concern iced over as he looked up at Jake. “Where were you when this guy attacked her? I thought you were going to help protect her from this psychopath.” His accusing glare immediately made Jake feel defensive, but the fact of the matter was the guy was right. He should have been there to protect Cassie, but before he had a chance to say anything, Cassie jumped to his defense.

  “Derek, that’s not fair. This was no one’s fault, but the guy who ran me off the road. Besides, I’m the one who took off on my motorcycle.”

  “Yes, maybe so, but you don’t normally ride your bike this time of year. I’d bet the reason you were on the motorcycle had something to do with him, didn’t it?” He gave Jake another dirty look.

  “That’s enough Derek.” She glared at him which made him back off his aggressive stance. “It’s finals week and we have plenty to keep us busy here.” She glanced up at Jake still standing in the entryway of her office. “I know you’re here to watch over me, but Derek’s here and we’re just going to work on paperwork for the next few hours, so you can head back to the house or hang out at the student union for a few hours if you want to. I can call you if I need to go somewhere.”

  Jake looked around the quiet building. “Okay, I’ll go find something to keep me busy for a couple of hours if you’re sure you’ll be fine.”

  Cassie nodded. “Derek’s here and I’m sure War’s around somewhere too. I’m perfectly safe here, especially during the middle of the day.”

  “Okay, call me on my cell when you need me to come pick you up.”

  Chapter 26

  Jake spent the next few hours doing everything he could think of to make sure Cassie was protected. He started by stopping at a home security firm which promised to have a state of the art security system, including cameras, on Cassie’s house within the next 24 hours. Cassie wouldn’t be thrilled with the idea, but she was just going to have to deal with it, because he wasn’t thrilled with the idea of her injured or dead. Then he went to the gun store and bought a Glock 30 Subcompact Handgun.

  Jake checked his watch. It had been almost four hours since he left Cassie and he hadn’t heard from her yet, but regardless, she was still recovering from an injury, and it was time for her to have a break whether she was ready for one yet or not.


  Cassie was feeling every single ache and pain when she glanced up to see Jake scowling in the doorway. “What’s wrong?” she asked him.

  Jake practically growled. “Why are you in here alone?” He looked around once more as if Derek might be hiding in the corner.
r />   “Relax, Jake. Derek is just down the hall. I could yell if I needed him.”

  “That’s assuming you would have the chance and he could react fast enough once this stalker already had his hands physically on you. Derek’s an academic. Quite honestly, Cassie, that’s just not good enough, especially if he’s not right here beside you.”

  Cassie threw up her hands in frustration. “What do you want me to do, Jake? I have work to do. So does he. We can’t stay tied together at the hip.”

  “You and Derek may not be able to, but you and I sure can and will from here on out. Right now though, you look exhausted. It’s time for a break.”

  Cassie looked at the papers scattered all over her desk and started shaking her head, but Jake interrupted her. “No arguments or you’ll end up back in the hospital again. Come on…just 45 minutes. I’ll even pay for the coffee.”

  As they walked into The Mocha Mermaid, Jake was not happy to see Cassie’s friend Ricky working. He was wiping down the tables as they came in the door.

  He took one look at Cassie and rushed up to her, cupping her good shoulder much too intimately for Jake’s liking. “Professor, what happened to you?” He gently grasped her chin and lifted the bruised side of her face to the light and cursed low and dark. “Fuck!” He turned and glared at Jake. “She was perfectly fine till you came to town and now she is damaged.” He turned back to Cassie and gently guided her over to sit in one of the upholstered chairs.

  “I’m fine, Ricky. It was just an accident. It’s nothing to worry about. I’m fine.”

  “Sit Bella, and I’ll get you your latte.” He rushed behind the counter after another dark look at Jake, but that didn’t dissuade Jake from approaching the counter, pulling out his wallet.

  The man glared at Jake and didn’t do anything to take his order while he made Cassie’s drink. Ricky immediately took it over to her when he finished it, giving her a concerned smile as he handed it to her.