Operation: Endeavor (When The Mission Ends) Read online

Page 10

  * * *

  Colton watched Chris crutch his way into the bedroom. He waved his hand at the other leather club chair seated beside the one he was already sitting in. “Have a seat.”

  His rock-hard cock was strangling against the pressure of the zipper of his jeans. He took a long drag of his beer while he tried to get his body under control. This wasn’t the way he wanted to go into this discussion with Chris. The only good news was that little reverie between the two of them had obviously amused Chris. Instead of his normal scowl, Chris’s eyes were alight with humor. The bastard was laughing at him.

  Trying to control his smile, Chris asked, “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Colton practically growled. “No.” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration and closed his eyes trying to find his ability to concentrate. “No, that’s definitely not why I brought you here.” He sighed deeply and grimaced. “Sorry, this isn’t how I wanted to start this conversation.”

  Chris shook his head. “No problem.” He lifted his bottle to his lips. “As long as you have more of these, we can hang out all night while you figure out what the hell you want to talk about.”

  “We have plenty. No problem there and I know exactly what I want to talk to you about.” Colton took a deep breath. He hoped Chris accepted this idea for what it was, an opportunity for all three of them, and didn’t fly off the handle. “I have a plan for a business and I want you to become a partner in it.”

  “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “We’d be equal partners: You, Jake, and me. I want us to start a flight business running a jump school and chartering service. There’s more…” Colton took a deep sigh and watched Chris closely trying to judge how he was reacting to the idea. “We already have leads on a couple of planes that would work for the business and we might have access to one other one, depending…” Colton took another deep breath.

  “Just spit it out, Colt. What else?”

  “I have an in on a Homeland Security contract to fly one of the C-27’s. If we won the contract, we would have access to one of those planes to run missions for them.” Chris paled as Colton watched him. “To do any of this, we have to have two pilots…you and me.”

  “Just how long have you been planning this? It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into it already. Why didn’t you mention it earlier?”

  Chris’s knuckles were white as he grasped the arms of the chair. Colton knew this wouldn’t be easy for him, but he had full confidence that Chris could do this. “I wanted to make sure Jake was in and I didn’t want to get your hopes up if it wasn’t going to happen.”

  “Fuck, I’m not six years old anymore, Colton. I can handle more than a little bit of disappointment in my life, if you haven’t noticed. You need to stop trying to protect me or else we won’t be able to work together. You’re not my dad, no matter what the circumstances were as we grew up.”

  Colton flinched, but tried not to let it show. “I realize that, but I’m still your older brother. I can’t help wanting to protect you. You’ve had to deal with way more than most over the last year. You can’t blame me for wanting to keep as much bad stuff away as I can. But that does bring us back to that bad stuff. If we’re gonna do this, I need you there 100%. Do you think you can run missions again?”

  Chris rubbed a hand over his face. When he spoke his voice was very low. “I don’t know Colt. God, I want to fly again, but I just don’t know. I haven’t been in a cockpit since the crash. What kind of missions is Homeland Security running from Lubbock, Texas?”

  “Obviously, I don’t know exactly since that’s classified, but I’m hearing rumblings about human trafficking as well as the normal drug issues between here and Mexico and South America. I can only assume it has to do with those. It will take a while to get everything set up and going, but to move forward, I need to know that you’ll be able to fly, both mentally and physically, in three months.” Colton watched him closely.

  “Damn, Colt.” Chris looked up at him with desolation in his eyes. He spoke quietly. “I don’t know.” His voice broke. “I just don’t know.”

  “Okay, that’s fair. The next question is, do you want to be? Do want to be a part of this? A partner in the company?”

  “Of course, but…”

  “No, there is no but to this. Chris what happened to you was awful, but it’s time for you to get past it and to do that, you’re going to have to work at it…both mentally and physically. For us to move forward with this, I need your promise that you’ll do that.”

  Chris closed his eyes and looked pained, but when he opened them back up to look at Colton, he firmed his jaw and threw back his shoulders. “Okay, you have a deal. I promise I’ll be ready.”

  “In that case,” Colton reached over to shake his hand, “welcome to Mad Rob.”

  “Mad Rob?”

  “Yep, that’s the name of our new company. Mad for Madsen; Rob for Robertson. Mad Rob, it was Penelope’s idea.”

  Chris grinned at him. “I should have guessed. So, now are you ready to talk about what’s happening between you and the beautiful Miss Penelope?”

  “No.” Colton said through clenched teeth.

  Chapter 17

  Colton looked around the interior of the VW Bus uncomfortably. He was on-edge tonight and couldn’t pinpoint why. He just had a crawling feeling in his gut. It was the same kind of feeling he got when things were about to go bad on a mission. But as he peered around the interior of the Bus, he admitted to himself that it could simply be because he was so far out of his comfort zone. He should have ridden his motorcycle to this party.

  Six months ago, he’d been commanding troops in a warzone and now he was riding around town in a VW Bus like a damn hippy. There was even a flower vase next to the steering wheel. How had he sunk so far so quickly?

  He scowled toward the front seat where Penelope sat with Damon. The bird tattoo rose tantalizingly over the edge of her shirt. She wore some gauzy concoction that slid off her shoulders to rest at the tops of her arms. It left her shoulders deliciously bare and he wanted to take advantage of that and explore exactly where those birds flew over the rest of her body.

  She was definitely the gypsy leader of this bunch. He scowled again as she laughed at something Damon said and reached over to touch his arm softly while they spoke. She needed to keep both her damn hands on the wheel if she wanted to drive.

  He rubbed the back of his neck in irritation. He looked around again trying to pinpoint the source of this itchy feeling. As he did so, he realized the twins were watching him with matching looks of humor. It was eerie, and damn irritating, how alike they could look sometimes. “What?” he growled at them.

  Cassie was the one who responded. “Why are you so grumpy tonight? We’re going to a party. You should be having fun.”

  He shrugged and frowned again at the front seat. “I don’t know. Something just feels off.”

  At this statement, Chris sat up and looked at him sharply. “Off, how?”

  Colton growled. “I don’t know. If I knew that I would fix it.” He looked around again at their surroundings as they drove into Aaron’s neighborhood and then looked back at Chris. “Just stay sharp. Something doesn’t feel quite right.”

  When they arrived at Aaron’s house, everyone piled out of the Bus. Chris and Colton were the last to get out and they walked toward the front door together. Colton once again rubbed the back of his neck. It felt like they were being watched but as he glanced around he couldn’t see anything out of place.

  Chris looked around the quiet suburban neighborhood. “You feel it too?”

  Colton gave a sharp nod. “Someone’s watching us.” He glanced down the street, but with the party, there were cars everywhere. There was no way to tell if there was a car there that didn’t belong. “Do you see anything?”

  Chris shook his head.

  They were at the front door and Colton gave one final glance down the street before he entered and gave Julie a hug. �
�Happy Birthday, Julie.”

  Julie was the tiniest of the threesome that made up Julie, Cassie, and Penelope. She barely even came to his ribs when he hugged her. Her diminutive size was emphasized by her dark pixie-cut hair and expressive hazel eyes. Right now they expressed pure joy and Colton was pretty sure a lot of that reason was standing right behind her. He reached over and extended his hand to the man. “Hey, Aaron. How’s orthopedics treating you lately?”

  “Hey, Colton. I can’t complain.” He turned to Chris. “How’s the knee working for you?”

  “Overall, it’s pretty good. It’s still a bit stiff, but coming along.”

  Aaron looked at him sharply. “Are you doing your PT exercises? Maybe you should schedule some extra sessions with Julie?” He reached around Julie’s waist and tugged her to him.

  Colton watched as a flush of red spread up Chris’s neck as he clenched his jaw. “Naw, my regular physical therapist is working just fine,” he said gruffly and peered out over the living room.

  Chris avoided her gaze so he missed the flash of hurt that crossed Julie’s eyes. When she realized Colton watched her, she gave a little shrug of embarrassment. Curious.

  “Thank y’all for coming. Aaron’s outdone himself. There’s a ton of food and drinks in the kitchen. Please feel free to help yourselves,” Julie said.

  Chris crutched off in that direction without another word, so Colton turned back to their hosts. “Sorry about that. He’s still a little touchy about it all.”

  Julie’s eyes were filled with sorrow as she watched Chris’s back. “Don’t worry about it Colton. We’re all friends here, but if he ever needs my help, I’m here. I can come by Cassie’s house to work with him if that would be easier.”

  “Thanks, Julie. I’ll keep that in mind. Right now, I should probably catch up with him before he offends someone else.”

  When Colton found Chris again, he was sitting in a corner of the back patio scowling at something in his hands. He was completely oblivious to the trio of nurses watching him from the other side of the yard.

  “Hey what do you have there?” Colton nodded at the small brightly wrapped box Chris quickly stuffed into the pocket of his jacket.

  Chris avoided his eyes as he took a drink of his beer. “Nothing.” He looked around the yard. “I guess doctor’s pay is pretty good. Aaron has a nice place here.”

  “Hm-mm,” Colton agreed, but he watched Chris closely.

  “He’s good for her. They’re good together, aren’t they?” Chris almost sounded like he was pleading for that to be the case.

  “Yeah, they seem pretty solid,” Colton said cautiously. Honestly, he’d never paid that much attention to Julie. She was just part of their large group of friends. But now, there seemed to be something more going on here with Chris. Was there a history between him and Julie?

  He cleared his throat. “Chris, did you and Julie…” He trailed off when Chris’s vibrant blue eyes flashed up to his. Colton couldn’t miss the pain he saw there, but Chris quickly covered it.

  “Naw, she’s good with Aaron.”

  But Colton wasn’t so sure about that anymore.

  Chris scowled down at the label he peeled off his beer bottle and Colton nudged Chris’s good leg. “Well, in that case, there are three really hot nurses over on the other side of the yard that look capable and ready to check your vitals.”

  Chris smiled at him, but the smile didn’t quite reach his haunted eyes. He glanced over at the women in question, but just gave a quick shake of his head. “I don’t think so.” He looked back down at his beer bottle.

  Chris’s jet crash was nine months ago. In the three months since he’d been home, Colton couldn’t think of him showing any interest in dating. Now that Colton thought about it, he couldn’t remember Chris even flirting since he’d come home. Sure, some of that could be accounted to what he’d gone through, but flirting had always been an integral part of Chris’s personality. The only time he’d seen any sign of the old Chris when it came to women was when they’d brought Penelope home from the ER and she’d been unconscious at the time. There was no risk there. He re-catalogued the list of injuries Chris sustained in his mind with growing dread.

  Colton cleared his throat and lowered his voice. “Chris, is everything… I mean…” Damn, this was harder than he thought. He gestured toward Chris’s groin. “Is everything working okay?”

  There was no denying the bleakness in Chris’s eyes before he lowered them. Damn.

  Chris’s voice had slipped an octave when he said, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Damn, Chris, have you talked to your doctor about it?”

  He shook his head and wouldn’t meet Colton’s eyes. “Not recently, no.”

  “Well, that’s the first thing you need to do. Your body has been through a ton of stress. This is liable to be perfectly normal considering your level of injuries.”

  Chris was already shaking his head. His voice was guttural when he spoke. “There was damage.” Chris looked off over the yard and Colton watched as he clenched his hands around his empty beer bottle. “It could be permanent. They don’t know. They told me to give it time.” He finally looked up at Colton when he said, “It’s been three months. I don’t think it’s going to get any better.”


  Chris waved him off. “It doesn’t matter. What’s done is done.” Colton sat, stunned, as Chris stood up. “I’m gonna go grab another beer. You want one?”

  “No, I’m good. Want me to head in with you?”

  Chris shook his head as he headed into the house. “I’ll be back in a little bit.”

  Guilt assailed him. No wonder Chris had spent all these months so angry and frustrated. Colton ducked his head into his hands. He didn’t know how to fix this. He didn’t know how he could make this better. There had to be something he could do to help. His brain scrambled for a few minutes working to come up with an idea of how he could help.

  There was a light touch on his shoulder and he looked up.

  Penelope stood there with a concerned look on her face. “I just saw Chris and he looked really pale. Is everything okay? You guys didn’t have another fight did you?”

  He shook his head. “No. No fight. Not this time.”

  She reached down to the side of his face and gently caressed it. That single, light touch sent tendrils of fire throughout his veins. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  He shook his head and stood. He slowly pulled her into his arms, letting her honeysuckle scent wash over him. Savoring the comfort of her embrace, he bent down and brushed his lips over the crown of her head.

  * * *

  Penelope didn’t know what to make of this Colton. The pain was stark in his eyes. Something had obviously shaken him which had affected Chris too. When she’d passed him while coming out of the house, he’d looked almost physically ill. She’d try to stop him, but he gestured over to Colton and told her to go sit with him.

  Colton’s lips brushed the top of her hair and she couldn’t control the shiver of arousal that snaked throughout her body. She pressed her face into his hard chest and took a deep breath of the spicy masculine smell that was wholly Colton. He was always so big, stoic, and strong. To see him shaken up like this was surprising.

  She leaned back, touched the side of his sculpted cheek, and asked, “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” His hands brushed up her arms. He gently traced the edge of the birds where they swooped over her shoulder before he looked back at her face. Her heartbeat quickened and she found herself breathless. His gaze settled on her lips. She moistened them in nervousness. That single move seemed to shatter some resolve within him. He groaned low before he swooped in and claimed her lips.

  Penelope had been kissed lots of times in her life, but never had she felt the immediate cataclysmic reaction that came from having Colton’s firm lips on hers. She wanted him. She needed him. She couldn’t hold back her low groan and that see
med to push him on. He reached up behind and cradled her head, deepening the kiss to near punishing. As his tongue plundered her mouth, she arched towards him. Arousal exploded throughout her body and settled low in her belly where she could feel the press of his erection.

  As he lowered his hands to her ass, her arms snaked around his neck and she pressed up against his hard frame, needing more. She ran her fingers through his hair on the back of his head as he continued to explore her mouth with his lips and tongue. It was a full-on assault, but one she never wanted to end. Everything about him and this kiss felt perfect.

  He groaned deep, right before he lifted his head. She raised her eyes to meet his dark blue ones which were filled with unsatiated lust. They were both breathing hard. The callous on his fingertip caressed her swollen lips. She used her tongue to draw his finger into her mouth and she lightly sucked on it. He closed his eyes, his expression one of pure torture. He muttered a deep, guttural, “Penelope…”

  She watched him visibly take in a deep breath as he tried to gain control. His breath shuddered as he looked around the yard. “We can’t do this here.”

  She admired his control because she wasn’t there yet. She didn’t care who was lurking. She simply wanted to partake of his body any and every way possible. Right here. Right now. But as she looked up into his shuttered eyes, she realized that wasn’t going to happen. Colton wasn’t the type to have wild sex in a public place.

  She inhaled a deep breath. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” She started to turn away, but Colton grabbed her arm to prevent her from leaving.

  “I’m not. I’m not sorry at all and we will finish this, Pen. Just not here.” He took another deep, shuddering breath. “Let’s go back inside and see if there’s any cake.”

  As he guided her back through the doorway, Penelope worked hard to get her hormones back under control. If she couldn’t have Colton right this very moment, she needed chocolate. Lots of it, right now.