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Through The Veil Page 11

  Malcolm took a deep breath. “Marcus, this is a mess. You’ve got four, long, deep scratches along your spine which curve around and across the backside of your left ribcage. It’s not that deep, but it needs stitching and that’s going to take a while. It’s going to be really painful. I know you don’t usually like to take medicine, but I’d like to give you a little something to take the edge off.”

  Marcus started to shake his head, but Malcolm interrupted. “You’d be doing this for me as much as you. Remember, I can feel your pain across our connection. Honestly, I’m not sure I’ll be able to do this with the level of pain you have right now. As it is, your pain is echoing across my nerves and if I get shaky hands then everything is just going to compound upon itself.”

  He hated the way medicine made him feel a disconnect between his head and body, but what Malcolm said made sense so he relented. “Okay, but no one in this room is allowed to hold anything I say against me.”

  Brooklyn gave a gleeful look to Lori which sent a chill down his spine before she said, “Ooh, I like the sound of this. This could be fun.”

  “Try to keep them from taking advantage of me,” he told Malcolm. He’d tried to reinforce the walls again, but it didn’t help.

  “Most men would be begging for two women to take advantage of them.”

  He just smiled at Lori. He’d never be able to have another secret again. “Sweetheart, if it was just you, I’d be all for it. It’s Brooklyn I don’t trust.”

  “I’ll protect you.”

  He groaned as he told Malcolm, “Let’s just get this over with.”

  Malcolm nodded and injected the medicine into the vein in his arm. An hour later, Marcus didn’t know which way was up. He knew Malcolm said he’d added 127 stitches into his back and Lori held the place as the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.

  As Malcolm pulled him into a sitting position, he felt the need to wax poetic once again about her eyes. “Man, have you seen her eyes? They’re so fucking beautiful, like the petals of a lilac bush in the spring. And when she uses her power, they flash with brilliant color like bursts of purple grapes.” He brushed across her cheek, not even wondering about the laughter spilling forth out of those same eyes right now.

  She turned to the others. “I see why he didn’t want any drugs now.”

  Malcolm shook his head. “Yeah, the big guy has no tolerance whatsoever. Hopefully, tomorrow he won’t remember what a schmuck he was today. Poor guy is whipped.”

  “I think it’s kind of sweet…you know, in a slightly pathetic kind of way,” Brooklyn said. Marcus watched as Brooklyn defended him and he nodded with what she said while he petted Lori’s soft hair. It truly felt like gossamer wings.

  It took him a moment to realize Brooklyn had just called him pathetic. “Hey!”

  Lori reached up and kissed his cheek to distract him. “Don’t worry about it. You’re really very sweet in a totally manly kind of way.”

  He smiled at her. “And that’s why I like you best.” He started to scowl at the other two laughing at his expense, but he got distracted by the fact that Lori still wore her swimsuit wrap top. He started to reach up to hold her breasts as he said, “Well it’s that and your breasts are the perfect size. Your nipples are the perfect pink…”

  She jerked back out of his hold while yelling at him in an outraged voice, “Marcus!”

  “What? You liked me touching them just fine at the waterfall.” He looked at her beautiful face and couldn’t figure out why she suddenly looked so flushed and angry.

  Brooklyn mumbled to Malcolm, “Damn, I wish I had some way to record this for the other guys to hear.”

  Malcolm laughed and Lori looked even more mortified than before.

  He didn’t understand what bothered her. “Baby…”

  “Don’t you ‘Baby’ me.” She scowled at him again.

  She really was beautiful even with that frown on her face. Maybe he needed to cheer her up by finishing what they’d started at the waterfall. But, whoa, wait just a minute. He frowned down at the front of his shorts where there was a definite lack of interest going on. What the hell? He’d been half-hard ever since Lori fell into his arms at the bridge.

  His mortified gaze met Malcolm’s.

  “What’s wrong?” Malcolm asked.

  He waved Malcolm over to him and then turned them away from the girls for a guy pow-wow. “Mal, I don’t have an erection,” he whispered urgently, but it must not have been quiet enough because he heard Brooklyn snicker.

  Malcolm frowned at him confused. “Um, okay? I wouldn’t really expect you to have one right now.”

  He didn’t understand. This was serious. “No, I always have one when Lori is around.”

  This time Brooklyn didn’t even try to quiet her loud laugh. “It is so unfair that this falls under patient confidentiality.”

  He turned to glare at her, but became distracted by Lori’s sweet indulgent smile. She was so beautiful. He looked down. Again…nothing. He turned a desperate look to Malcolm to find him grinning like he found this funny. That shit was not acceptable. “You think this is funny?” he asked incredulously.

  “Well, maybe a little, but Marcus, you’re fine. It’s just the medicine. It’s deadened your nerves. All of them. Don’t worry. It will be back.”

  He turned back to Lori and gave her thumbs up. “Did you hear that, Baby? I’ll be fine.”

  He could see the corners of her mouth quirking up like she fought a smile. “I never had any doubt.”

  He turned back to Malcolm and grinned. “I impressed her with my big sword.”

  Malcolm groaned and tugged Marcus over to Lori. “Let’s get you home big guy, before this gets any more embarrassing for all of us. The rest of us don’t have the luxury of drugs to wipe our memories of this encounter.”

  Shortly thereafter he found himself face down on his bed, quickly dozing off to sleep. He could hear Lori and Malcolm talking.

  “The drugs will wear off in a couple of hours. He’ll probably sleep the whole time, but if he doesn’t and gets to be too much to control, call me. Unfortunately, the drugs wipe him in more ways than one. When they start to wear off, he’s probably going to feel sick. I already put a trash can by his bed, just in case. Again, call me if you need any help.”

  “We should be fine. Thanks for all your help, Malcolm.”

  “No problem. I hope you don’t hold anything he said against him. He really has no tolerance.”

  “Honestly, most of it seemed really sweet. It’ll be fine.”

  That’s why he loved her so much. Mine he thought as he drifted off to sleep.

  * * *

  She’d heard his muttered thought as he fell asleep. She brushed his blond hair off his forehead and smiled as she thought back over his ramblings of this afternoon. They hadn’t discussed it yet, but now he knew her secret.

  She hugged her arms across her stomach as she watched him. Her gut told her that she could trust him, but she’d been wrong before.

  Even with her trust, she needed to go back to the ES and help her friends. He worked directly for Bethany and she hadn’t yet approved of a plan for Lori to cross back over. They were at crossed intentions.

  But if the last six years had taught her anything, she knew she needed to grab happiness wherever she could. She didn’t want to regret not embracing the few moments of happiness she knew she could find with Marcus. Choosing that route would make leaving harder, but for her part, the good memories would be worth it.

  She opened her eyes, resolute in her decision, to find him awake and watching her. He had a slight frown between his brows and his voice sounded quiet when he said, “You’re thinking too hard.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were awake. How are you feeling?”

  He closed his eyes as his skin took a frightening pale, then green shade. He groaned as she hopped out of the bed to grab the trash can. She got it in front of him just in time. She ran to the bathroom and grabbed a c
ouple of wet washcloths for him. When she came back into the room, she handed him one and laid the other across the back of his neck.

  “Thanks,” he muttered quietly. “The humiliation just keeps rolling on. I never should have let Malcolm talk me into that drug.”

  She ran her fingers through the back of his hair and massaged his scalp as his head bowed against his chest. “Hey, it’s okay. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  He glanced at her and grimaced. “You mean all that in the clinic this afternoon was just a dream?”

  She smiled at him. “Well, no, but nothing that happens when under the influence of medical drugs can be held against you.”


  “Promise, besides until you felt me up in front of everyone, you were actually being really sweet.” She smirked at him and he groaned and lowered his head into his hand.

  “Yeah, I’m definitely going to kill Malcolm.”

  She laughed lightly. “So how is your stomach and back now?”

  “The stomach is settling and the back is bearable.”

  “Okay, good. Do you want to move down to the living room or would you like to stay here for a while?” He still looked really pale and drawn. In fact he’d closed his eyes while he leaned into his hands.

  She took the trashcan from him, set it outside, and gently pushed him onto his stomach on the bed. She lowered down beside him and continued to rub his head and neck. Slowly he scooted over so that he draped across her chest using her breast to pillow his head.

  “That feels nice.” His voice echoed low and his eyes were shut. Slowly, his muscles loosened as he relaxed. She thought he’d drifted back to sleep when he asked, “So the wall thing is why you were imprisoned, right?”

  “Yes.” She automatically tensed but then forced herself to relax. This was Marcus. She could trust him. She needed to trust him.

  “I don’t know all the scientific ways of saying it, but basically, I can rearrange matter. As long as I’m touching an inanimate object, I can rearrange its form and function. It also works with items from the earth…dirt, plants, and the elements. I haven’t experimented with it too much because it destroys my energy levels. And when I lived in the ES, it endangered my life if anyone knew about it.” She took a shuddering breath. Telling someone those details after the events in the ES was one of the hardest things she’d ever had to do. Please, don’t let her be wrong about trusting these people, trusting Marcus.

  “In the ES if you have a special ability,” she continued to explain, “you’re a threat to the government. I kept it hidden for about ten years, but then I told my boyfriend. Within two days I found myself in a cage like you saw the others in.”

  His eyes opened and his gaze overflowed with compassion.

  Tears filled her eyes. To have someone care so much on her behalf after so long was a little overwhelming and so different after Teddy.

  Teddy reacted to her gift with horror and repulsion. He’d covered it quickly, but she hadn’t missed it. At the time, she thought his reaction was just from the initial shock of her revelation. She’d quickly found out she’d assumed wrong.

  Marcus reached up and brushed at her tears. “I’m so sorry for what happened to you, but you’re safe here. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” His expression was fierce with resolve.

  She nodded and the thing was…she believed him. This Warrior would do anything to keep her safe and it would kill him when she deserted the safety he offered her. She looked away in guilt, but he didn’t see it because he’d already drifted back to sleep.

  The next morning, Lori watched Marcus move with a critical eye. He said he felt much better, but still appeared stiff and a bit pale. Regardless, he insisted that he wanted to jump back into his security detail.

  The Warriors were having a meeting and Lori had asked to attend. She hoped to convince Bethany and the Warriors to help her free the Others. But if she couldn’t convince them, then she needed to know what resources they had that she could ‘borrow’ when the time came.

  Surprisingly, the meeting took place at the mill where they’d removed the bullet from her side.

  At her questioning look, Marcus explained, “The mill serves as our second headquarters. Since we’re discussing security matters, sometimes it’s better for us to do so out of the village and away from curious eyes and ears.”

  They walked into the room and everyone turned toward them. Whoa, talk about testosterone overload. Whenever they handed out sexy genes in Heaven, these guys got more than their fair share. Every single one of them stood bare-chested and Lori said a little prayer of thanks to the tropical climate of the WS. None of the Warriors had a single solitary fat cell among them. There were seven of them total, six men and Brooklyn. She didn’t swing that way, but if she did, even Brooklyn stood as a symbol of tough sexiness.

  Bethany and Aaron stood side-by-side at the front of the room. He was so dark with his black wings, dark hair, and brooding eyes. In stark contrast, Bethany exuded light with her multi-colored wings and open demeanor. Her wings reminded Lori of tropical birds she’d seen in books as a kid. They were nothing short of stunning.

  Off to the side from them stood the Warrior who’d been with Malcolm outside the cave the day before. He had chocolate brown wings and the feathers looked so incredibly soft, they reminded her of a baby bird’s downy feathers. He had dark brown hair spiked on top and trimmed close to his head at the sides. The scruff on his face showed it had been a couple of days past his last shave, which gave him a rugged look. His eyes had an angry edge that piqued her curiosity.

  Marcus drew her over to him and introduced them. “Lori, this is my cousin, Griff.”

  Surprisingly, his expression morphed into a distinct look of distaste. What had she done to offend this guy already? She didn’t even remember interacting with him yesterday. Did he disapprove of her involvement with Marcus? The thought hadn’t even occurred to her before now, but it seemed reasonable that there may be those within the WS who would judge her because she appeared different…without wings. Just like the bias in the ES against Others. Ice settled in her gut. She tried not to let her feelings show as she smiled at him.

  Marcus must have felt his coldness, too, because he squeezed her shoulder gently and led her to introduce her to the rest of the Warriors. There were two other Warriors in the room who she hadn’t met. The first was the musician with golden wings who played at the pub. His wings were darker than yellow, but nowhere close to toffee or brown and almost shimmered in the light. They were truly gorgeous. Of course, the man wasn’t bad to look at, either. He skin was olive-toned, like he had some sort of Spanish descent, with dark, smoldering eyes that observed everything.

  When Marcus introduced them, the man simply nodded at her. Marcus explained, “Eric is the quiet one of the group.”

  She smiled at him. “We heard you play the other night. You have an incredible talent.”

  He offered a soft, warm smile and murmured, “Thanks.”

  The final Warrior smiled broadly as they walked up to him. He appeared to be quite a bit younger than the others, with dirty blond hair and massive arms. At the top of each bicep, there were Chinese symbols tattooed. A third, smaller tattoo rested right above his belly button on his incredibly sculpted abdomen. His wings reflected his ebullient personality. They were dark red with a thin band of black at the tips. She couldn’t help but return his friendly grin.

  Marcus reached forward and shook hands with him. “And this is Garrison. He’s our honorary cook and cheerleader.”

  Garrison winked at her as he turned back to Marcus. “I see why you’ve been so absent the last few days. I wouldn’t come out of my house either if I had a beauty like this holed up in there.”

  Marcus responded with a cocky smile, “He’s also our resident flirt.”

  Bethany cleared her throat and started the meeting. She smiled kindly at Lori. “We owe you a debt for saving Marcus’s life yesterday. That’s not
something we take lightly here and we appreciate the risk you took by revealing your power.”

  Her stomach seized at the automatic panic that came with those words. Spotting the door, she wanted to do nothing but run and escape before they caged her. She knew the instinct sounded ridiculous, but it stayed there, pulsing in her brain. Run! Run!

  As if sensing her distress, Marcus smoothed his hand up her spine, soothing her.

  “I promise you that no one here will take advantage of that fact,” Bethany continued. “Here we’re family and you’re a part of us now. Never doubt that.”

  Relief choked her. She couldn’t believe this blanket acceptance by these people, with the exception of Griff. It was so unlike anything she’d ever been exposed to before. “Thank you,” she said, speaking past the catch in her throat.

  Marcus squeezed her hand.

  “Unfortunately,” Bethany continued. “We’re already getting reports that this incident isn’t the only instance of a Predator out during daylight. There have been three other villages who have reported the same type of thing. We’re recalling all our clans living on the outskirts and letting them know that they need to get within the walls of the villages.”

  She took a deep breath. “Brooklyn, I need you and Garrison to head out and check on the Murphy clan and the Hyatt’s. No one can reach them telepathically and we need to do a visual check on them. Watch your backs. I have a bad feeling about their status.”

  She pursed her lips as she looked out over the Warriors. “We need to up our security rotations. Aaron has already talked to several members of the village. From here on out, we will be spread thin, so we will partner each Warrior with a civilian for the patrols. Everyone—I don’t care who they are—needs to be armed when they are on the ground. We’ll open the armory to the village for those who need more weaponry.”

  She met Lori’s eyes briefly as she moved into the next warning. “Something has changed. I don’t know exactly what this means for us, but Lori crossed the Veil, and now the Predators are out and about during the day. That’s probably not the end of the shifts or changes. Stay alert and stay safe. Remember our strength comes from the Earth. If we take care of Her, She will take care of us. Stick close to the ley lines when you can. We can’t afford to lose even one person from our society.”