Operation: Endurance Page 10
Penelope flipped her hair. Uh oh, that was never a good sign. “Well,” she said, as if she were talking to a small child, “it’s the night before the wedding. If I understand it correctly, you all are going to a strip club.” She exchanged a glance with Julie and Cassie.
Chris wasn’t sure if they were in trouble or not, but this sure didn’t feel right. Suddenly he had ice flowing through his veins. All the men had frozen.
Penelope smiled sweetly. “We’re doing the same. There’s an all-male review club down by the Depot that I’ve heard great things about. We have reservations there.”
“Oh, hell no!” Chris exclaimed, shocked. He was as surprised as everyone else at his outburst, but seriously, this was their plan for the evening? Why weren’t they going to that nice girly wine bar they all liked so much? They couldn’t want to go watch guys strip, could they? He looked at Colton and Jake and could see they felt exactly the same way.
Cassie took a step out of Jake’s embrace toward Chris. She put her hands on her hips. “And why the hell not? If you all can go to a strip club, then why can’t we?”
“Because…” he sputtered. He had no idea. He just knew that they couldn’t do that. It was wrong. No way in hell should the girls go out to watch other guys wave around their dicks. But he could see from the angry looks on all three of the girl’s faces that his argument wasn’t going to win him any fans.
He turned for reinforcements from the other two guys, but they’d already seen the girls’ reactions and obviously sucked their balls inside their body cavity, because there wasn’t any help coming from them. He looked at the two of them and muttered, “You have got to be kidding me. You two are whipped.” He turned back to the girls who were moving toward the front door, and gestured toward their purses. “Take care of those. Someday, these guys will want their balls back so don’t misplace them while you’re out ogling someone else’s junk.” He gave another disgusted look toward Colton and Jake and stalked toward the kitchen. He needed something stronger than champagne if he was going to make it through this night.
* * *
Chris expelled a harsh chuckle as he looked at his two morose friends. There was no doubt about it, these guys were whipped. The three of them were sitting in the middle of the nicest strip club in Lubbock, the music pulsing around them along with the naked bodies of several gorgeous women. Neither of the other two guys even glanced up at all the naked flesh. They continued to discuss the women’s plan for tonight with no small measure of disbelief.
Jake asked Colton, “Did you have any idea that was their plan for tonight?”
Colton scowled. “If I’d known, don’t you think I would have done something to change it?”
Chris couldn’t hold in his bark of laughter at that, which caused Colton to turn his scowl on him and thump him in the head. “I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
Chris just smirked at him, before he recalled exactly what they were discussing again. “Do girls really like to do that type of thing? Watching guys dance around naked?”
Jake frowned and he glanced up the naked girl working the pole in front of them. They all watched her for a moment before turning their attention back to the subject at hand.
Colton sighed deeply. “Well, if there’s anything I’ve learned from being involved with Penelope it’s that I had no idea what girls truly think and want. Honestly, look at those books she writes. Not that I’m complaining, but would you all have guessed girls like that type of thing?” Penelope wrote erotic romance and Chris still believed that made Colton one lucky bastard.
They all shook their heads.
Colton continued with a deep sigh. “I really think girls like the same things we do. They’re just better at hiding the fact.”
Chris looked around the strip club with a renewed eye and felt no interest whatsoever. Guys, himself included, normally loved places like this. Tonight, he didn’t even care. He took a long draw off his ice-cold beer. When had he become the guy not interested? Once upon a time, he’d have already had three phone numbers in his pocket and a scantily clad girl on his lap at this point in the evening. Would he ever get that part of himself back?
Unexpectedly, he pictured Julie as she looked earlier tonight in that little black dress. Thoughts of her were so much more enticing than these girls.
He looked back over at the other two guys, who really didn’t seem to be having a good time. This was not the way this evening was supposed to be going. It was time for a change in venue. “Hey guys, let’s get out of here. I have a better idea.”
* * *
As Jake finished closing the last carabineer on his harness, he clapped Chris on the shoulder. “You realize if I die or end up maimed tonight, you’ll have to take the responsibility for it with Cassie, right?”
All three looked up the side of the five story rock wall they were about to climb. They’d made a detour by Mad Rob to change into workout clothes and then headed toward the climbing place that had just opened. This kind of evening was more their speed. A little friendly competition would be good to help all three of them with the tension. They were all harnessed up and just waiting for the go signal to race up the side of the mammoth wall. The goal was the bell at the top. The first to ring it would have free drinks the rest of the night courtesy of the two losers.
Chris turned back to Jake and smirked. “Don’t tell me you’re worried about that little wall. You jump out of planes for a living. I think you can handle this.”
“Oh, I can handle it. I’m just not sure you’re up for it.”
“I’m gonna kick both your asses when I get to the top first,” Colton taunted. “And by the way, I plan to drink top-shelf for the rest of the night so I hope you boys are ready to ante up.” Colton rubbed his fingers together showing how much it was going to cost them if they lost.
Chris had to admit they probably would be buying his drinks. Colt had two things going for him: incredible upper body strength and height which would provide him good leverage when pulling up the wall.
As they’d been talking smack, a group of college-aged kids had formed around the wall to watch them. Chris chuckled when he saw a couple of handshakes that looked like side bets going on.
Chris glanced down at his knee. This was going to be a test to see just how healed it was. He was on one end of the wall, Colton was on the other, and Jake was in the middle. They were all just waiting for the signal to go.
The crew from the facility did one last check of their harnesses and then signaled for them to begin. Chris lunged for the wall, reaching as high as he could for the finger holds, quickly finding purchase. Slowly he pushed himself from the bottom. Within three moves, his shoulders and thighs were burning from the unusual physical activity. His stitches pulled as he stretched across the rock wall face. He glanced across at Jake and Colton, who were both slightly ahead of him. He could see their muscles straining, too, so he didn’t feel quite so bad about the burn. He looked back up the wall, planning his next few moves as he inched further up. Within, three moves, he was going to have an issue. There was an overhang there that was going to be a bitch to maneuver. His knee screamed at him, unused to the contortions he had to put it through for this.
He began to mentally plot his moves so that his right leg would take the brunt of the climbing exertions rather than his bad left one. The sweat rolled down his spine. He’d finally climbed high enough that it was quiet except for Jake and Colton’s labored breathing, both focused on winning.
Colton called across the chasm, “This probably wasn’t a good idea. Do you hear the way Jake is huffing and puffing? He’s gonna be too tired to get it up on his wedding night.”
“Fuck you, old man. I’ll show you worn out when I beat your ass to the top,” Jake responded.
Chris just laughed, but continued to climb. Maybe they’d get focused enough on giving each other shit and he might have a chance to beat both of them. Honestly he was surprised that he was still hanging in with them. At this
point, he’d really figured he’d be miles behind them. Maybe all that physical therapy was finally doing some good.
The muscles in both his shoulders and thighs were trembling from the effort, but he was closing in on the top of the wall. Another two moves and he might just be able to reach that bell.
Chris heard a bellow of frustration come from Colton and gasps arise from the crowd below. He peered over his shoulder to see Colt swinging from his harness. Chris’s balls tensed in commiseration. Damn, that probably didn’t feel so hot, but other than the emasculating binding of the harness at his crotch, Colton seemed to be okay, just really frustrated.
But while Chris was checking to make sure Colton wasn’t plunging to a bloody death, Jake took advantage. The bell rang out over the building. Chris heaved a sigh against his arm, working to convince his muscles to move again, and then pulled himself up the final two handholds to reach the top.
As the guys heaved themselves back into the limo, they were in much better spirits than they had been after the strip club. They’d showered and changed in the locker room at the rock-climbing gym and now looked like they were ready to head back out on the town.
Chris grinned as Colton sat and rearranged his balls, which had to be throbbing from that strangling harness. “You’ll probably want Penelope to ice those for you later.”
Colton grimaced. “I don’t think I want Pen anywhere near my balls tonight. Goddamn, that was seriously not cool.” He looked down at his watch and ignored the smirks from Jake and Chris. “We still have a couple of hours before we’re supposed to meet up with the girls. Shall we go buy this guy the drinks we owe him?”
“I think so and maybe a little liquor will help numb you up, too.”
“We can only hope,” Colton muttered.
* * *
By the time they caught up with the girls, none of the guys were feeling any pain. The girls were definitely in better shape. In fact, to Chris’s soused brain, it seemed like they were all perfectly sober. That didn’t seem right. Didn’t girls get drunk the night before a wedding, too?
They appeared to have developed a cease-fire agreement sometime during the night, too, because no one mentioned the girls’ visit to the male review club. Now, everyone was back to being all lovey-dovey. You would never guess the other two couples had only been apart for a few hours from the way they acted.
It left things really uncomfortable for Julie and him, but as he looked over at her, he could see the exhaustion pulling at her. She wasn’t well enough yet to miss out on this much sleep. He sidled over to her. “Are you about ready to head out?” he whispered.
Relief showed through her expression as she nodded and then glanced toward the other two couples.
He continued, “I don’t think they’re going to miss us if we leave.”
She nodded and then led them over to say goodnight to Cassie and Jake.
As they exited the house, she placed her palm in front of him. “Keys, please.” He handed them over without question, knowing he wasn’t in any shape to drive.
“Did you drink anything at all tonight?” He studied her, but couldn’t see the effects of any alcohol.
She shook her head. “Not really. I had a sip of the champagne before we left and then half a glass of wine while we were out. Cold medicine and alcohol aren’t a very good mix.”
“That’s right. I didn’t even think of that. How are you feeling?”
She pressed a hand up against her chest like maybe it hurt, but she waved him off. “I’m fine. It’s just late and I’m tired. But I need to head over to the venue and see how it looks in the dark to double-check it’s all okay for the wedding tomorrow night. If you don’t want to go, I could take you home first, but it’d be easier to do on the way.”
“No, that’s fine. I’d like to see it.”
West Texas was a surprising hub for wineries in the country and they were taking advantage of the fact for the wedding. The vineyard was about five miles out of town.
Chris enjoyed being able to watch Julie by the glow of the dash as she drove his truck.
When they arrived, all was quiet. “How are we going to get in?” He looked around the empty parking lot.
“I have the key. I arranged it with them earlier this week because I knew I’d need to check out the set-up after dark.”
“So what’s so special that you couldn’t see it during the day?”
“You’ll see. Come on.”
Julie left Chris outside the door, while she went in and prepared whatever they were supposed to see. He leaned back against the wall and looked up at the stars glowing brightly in the sky. There’d been a time this past year when he didn’t think he’d ever see these stars again. A year ago tomorrow was when his jet had crashed. He’d honestly never thought he’d see West Texas or his family or Julie again. Gratitude swelled in his chest.
“What are you thinking about?” Julie’s soft, husky voice brushed over him in the dark. He hadn’t heard her come back out the door.
He gazed into her eyes reflecting the starlight from above. “Just about how lucky that I am to be here. I didn’t think I’d make it back.” He touched her cheek softly. “I thought I’d broken my promise to you and I almost missed all of this.” They’d never discussed that promise or that day since he’d come back. Everything had changed too much to go there.
He could see the tears well up in her eyes. It wasn’t fair to do this to her when she was still grieving over Aaron’s death, but he couldn’t resist the pull anymore. “I’m so sorry I broke my promise to you, Butterfly.” Gently he brushed his lips against hers. It was the lightest of kisses and he respected her too much to do anymore. “I’m so damn sorry.” He brushed his lips up against her hot temple and she shuddered. He drew his head back from hers with a frown. “You’re running a fever.”
She nodded her head. His stomach dropped. Not shudders of desire—she was shivering because she was sick. God, he was even lower than low. She was in love and mourning another guy, sick with a fever and he was out here in the dark, mauling her.
He wrapped an arm around her to share his warmth with her. “Come on. Let’s go see this room, so you can get home to get some rest.”
He started to push her into the building, but she stopped him. “I’m so glad you’re here.” Her voice had become more hoarse over the course of the evening. “It means so much to Cassie and Jake that you’re here for this.”
His heart sank. She was thankful he’d survived so that he could be here for Cassie and Jake, not for her own sake. That hurt. He knew she’d moved on, but that still hit him like a blow to the gut. He knew she didn’t mean it that way so he worked to keep his face neutral and to regulate his voice. “Let’s go see the magic.”
Even with the hurt spinning through his system, he couldn’t withhold the gasp as he entered the building. Somehow, someway, Julie had managed to recreate the sparkling sky from outside within. The entire room was canopied by twinkling lights and a sheer fabric that made the lights look like starlight in the clouds. As a guy he didn’t usually notice these types of things, but even he could see how magical and romantic the transformation made the room.
He spun back toward her. “Has Cassie seen this yet?”
She bit her lip and shook her head. “Do you think she’ll like it?” The tentative look in her eye melted his heart.
“You’ve outdone yourself. She’s absolutely going to love this. Wow.” He spun to look around the room again. “Julie, this is amazing.”
“It will look better tomorrow night with all the candles lit, but yeah, I think it works, doesn’t it?”
He could see them all now. Candles covered every available surface in the room. The large room was divided into three areas for the intimate wedding. There was an area for the wedding ceremony, tables for the reception, and then a dance area and bar for after the reception. Everything was covered with the same gauzy material that was woven within the lights and exposed metal beams on the ceiling.r />
The vineyard building was an industrial building with a vibrant green ceiling, but it kept a warm feeling because the walls were variations and textures of dark brown. All the candles were shades of green to complement the ceiling and the colors Cassie chose for the wedding. He could see just how stunning the entire effect would be tomorrow night.
“It more than works. You’ve done such an amazing job with this. It’s truly fantastic.”
“Hopefully, Cassie and Jake agree. I want everything to be perfect for them tomorrow.”
Chapter 16The silent Sunday morning was shattered by the annoyingly shrill beep of her alarm clock. As Julie rolled over to turn it off, her lungs seized up and she began to cough. The horrible hacking movement of her lungs literally hurt. Oh God. She couldn’t deal with this today. She just had to make it through one more day and then she could spend the rest of the week in bed. The coughing continued as she struggled to pull herself out of bed. Sliding out from beneath the covers, a shiver racked her. Yep, damn, the fever was still there, too. She had a feeling she was going to have to go in for some antibiotics soon.
Stumbling into the kitchen, she filled a glass of water, and began popping the various cold medicines scattered over the counter. The goal was to make it through this day, no matter what it took. Everything from her waist up hurt, but especially her chest which seemed determined to seize up and cough. Hoping some hot tea might help, she filled her old battered tea kettle with water and set it back on the stove to heat.
After that, she slumped down into one of the bar stools at the breakfast bar. Her bed called for her, but there was just too much to do. Opening the binder, she began to work on her lists for the wedding.
* * *
Two hours later, Julie peered critically into the mirror. They had a makeup and hair team coming to make up all the girls at Cassie’s, but there was no way that she could have shown up there looking like death warmed over. So Julie had created a heavy base coat of concealer, base, and blush, just hoping that Penelope and Cassie would be too caught up in the excitement of the day to notice.